Partonomy list P2, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress


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Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
7148 2526
columnar simple epithelium
epithelium simplex columnare
14583 2527
anterior wall
paries anterior
14584 2528
posterior wall
paries posterior
14574 2529
greater curvature
pyramis major
14572 2530
lesser curvature
pyramis minor
14573 2531
angular notch
incisura angularis
14561 2532
cardia ; cardial part
cardia ; pars cardialis
77190 2533
cardial opening
ostium cardiale
14559 2534
gastric fundus
fundus gastricus
77192 2535
gastric fornix
fornix gastricus
14576 2536
cardial notch
incisura cardialis
14560 2537
gastric body
corpus gastricum
17093 2538
gastric canal
canalis gastricus
14581 2539
pyloric part
pars pylorica
14579 2540
pyloric antrum
antrum pyloricum
14580 2541
pyloric canal
canalis pyloricus
14581 2542
14565 2543
pyloric opening
ostium pyloricum
14914 2544
serosa; serous coat
tunica serosa
mesothelium of stomach
mesothelium gastris
14913 2545
subserosa; subserous layer
tela subserosa
14909 2546
muscular layer
tunica muscularis
14910 2547
longitudinal layer
stratum longitudinale
14911 2548
circular layer
stratum circulare
14916 2549
pyloric sphincter muscle ; pyloric sphincter
musculus sphincter pyloricus
77276 2550
oblique fibres of
fibrae obliquae
14908 2551
tela submucosa
14907 2552
mucosa; mucous membrane
tunica mucosa
75653 2553
gastric folds of ; gastric rugaes of
plicae gastricae
14924 2554
lamina muscularis
76599 2555
gastric areas
areae gastricae
75654 2556
villous folds of
plicae villosae
76583 2557
gastric foveolae of
foveolae gastricae
71620 2558
gastric glands
glandulae gastricae
35 lines
62.9 %
82.9 %
Scientific notes
Date: 10.07.2023